I know a similar request was opened a long time ago, but after my experience with Golf Pad TAGS, I want to raise it again:
The ability to select the club used directly on the watch !!
Since my personal experience with TAGS has been disappointing, due the the somewhat hit and miss nature of getting the TAGS to be read by the phone. (Worst on a HTC 10, somewhat better on a Galaxy S7), I'm convinced it would be much more convenient, to make a club selection on the watch immediately after a shot has been added.
I'm using a Gear S3 and I've seen a verty elegant solution implemented by Taylor Made on their MyRoundPro app. Something similiar from GolfPad would make a world class app even more valuable.
This could be a separately sold feature, so it would not dilute the revenue stream from TAGS.
1 Votes
Sorted by
Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hello pau.mul - at this time, you can't scan TAGS directly to the watch. The scanning requires the phone NFC. We hope to have the feature in the future. - Cindy
0 Votes
over 4 years ago
I have the phone app and my Galaxy watch working together except the tags don't work on the watch. I loaded them into the app and thought they would work on the watch but no luck. I have NFC enabled on both but when I touch the tag to the watch nothing happens.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 7 years ago
Hi Spencer - thanks for that suggestion. We're passing it along to the team. :)
0 Votes
Spencer Braunposted
almost 7 years ago
Please add this. Also, have Golfpad auto-default to the recommended club (based on your distances, it would predict what club you'd pull from that distance). If you'd hit something different, you could use the watch interface to select a different club.
0 Votes
Gertjan Persoonsposted
almost 7 years ago
I fully agree with this topic.
I have bought a Ticwatch S model works absolutely fine with Golf Pad GPS except that I have to insert clubs after each hole on my smartphone. This slows me down.
0 Votes
Richard Robinsonposted
almost 7 years ago
Inputting clubs between holes will slow down play in many cases?
0 Votes
Richard Robinsonposted
almost 7 years ago
Works fine on my HTC One. Just need to find correct spot on the back for the NFC. I have moved to use the Link about 18 months ago but still take out the phone to check distances to hazards that I cannot measure with my laser.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
about 7 years ago
Knud and Angus - thanks for the feedback. This is on our development road map. It helps to hear from users so keep the comments coming!
Knud - "Since my personal experience with TAGS has been disappointing, due the the somewhat hit and miss nature of getting the TAGS to be read by the phone. (Worst on a HTC 10, somewhat better on a Galaxy S7)" have you located the exact location of the NFC? Please try scanning around the back of the phone and against the top edge. This should allow you to find the "sweet spot" for tagging your shots. You may consider LINK as well. Using LINK means you can skip the phone all together. :)
0 Votes
Angus MacDougalposted
about 7 years ago
Second this. Also commented on the first post. I have the link reader and tags and every other thing you sell. Please just give us this feature, if for nothing else just to shut us up. Such a basic feature and an obvious upsell opportunity. It's basically already possible to do this anyway, just mark the shots on the watch and then update the clubs at the end of the hole on the phone. Tight arses will be doing this anyway. Why make it any harder for us to it needs to be?
I know a similar request was opened a long time ago, but after my experience with Golf Pad TAGS, I want to raise it again:
The ability to select the club used directly on the watch !!
Since my personal experience with TAGS has been disappointing, due the the somewhat hit and miss nature of getting the TAGS to be read by the phone. (Worst on a HTC 10, somewhat better on a Galaxy S7), I'm convinced it would be much more convenient, to make a club selection on the watch immediately after a shot has been added.
I'm using a Gear S3 and I've seen a verty elegant solution implemented by Taylor Made on their MyRoundPro app. Something similiar from GolfPad would make a world class app even more valuable.
This could be a separately sold feature, so it would not dilute the revenue stream from TAGS.
1 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hello pau.mul - at this time, you can't scan TAGS directly to the watch. The scanning requires the phone NFC. We hope to have the feature in the future. - Cindy
0 Votes
pau.mul posted over 4 years ago
I have the phone app and my Galaxy watch working together except the tags don't work on the watch. I loaded them into the app and thought they would work on the watch but no luck. I have NFC enabled on both but when I touch the tag to the watch nothing happens.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 7 years ago Admin
Hi Spencer - thanks for that suggestion. We're passing it along to the team. :)
0 Votes
Spencer Braun posted almost 7 years ago
Please add this. Also, have Golfpad auto-default to the recommended club (based on your distances, it would predict what club you'd pull from that distance). If you'd hit something different, you could use the watch interface to select a different club.
0 Votes
Gertjan Persoons posted almost 7 years ago
I fully agree with this topic.
I have bought a Ticwatch S model works absolutely fine with Golf Pad GPS except that I have to insert clubs after each hole on my smartphone. This slows me down.
0 Votes
Richard Robinson posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Richard Robinson posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted about 7 years ago Admin
Knud and Angus - thanks for the feedback. This is on our development road map. It helps to hear from users so keep the comments coming!
Knud - "Since my personal experience with TAGS has been disappointing, due the the somewhat hit and miss nature of getting the TAGS to be read by the phone. (Worst on a HTC 10, somewhat better on a Galaxy S7)" have you located the exact location of the NFC? Please try scanning around the back of the phone and against the top edge. This should allow you to find the "sweet spot" for tagging your shots. You may consider LINK as well. Using LINK means you can skip the phone all together. :)
0 Votes
Angus MacDougal posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
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