I know the possibility to mark the flag.
But on my home course we have winter greens for or the winter months.
So it would be useful to reposition the flag permanently.
But I can't find a possibility to edit the hole.
Of course I can nark the flag everytime.
But that is annoying, and the shown distances on my Galaxy watch are useless. But that's the purpose of the watch and the app.
2 Votes
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Dan Horriganposted
over 4 years ago
lol I just asked you about this a second ago in different post Cindy. If you're able to do what you said up above that would be wonderful! Thanks again Cindy
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Hi Dan - the "Course Incorrect" option allows you to add front, middle and back of the hole. We are working on an option for flag position to be saved so you don't have to edit it again until another course change. We are also working on a way to ensure that flag position edits can be seen by other users on the same course - saving everyone time! - Cindy
1 Votes
Dan Horriganposted
over 4 years ago
ipad u said:
Use the option “Course Incorrect”, tee and flag position can be editted and saved.
I dont have an option to set hole/flag position.. just tee position and the front middle and back of the greens.. sure wish I could use that option of setting and saving all hole locations until they are changed again
Ok, i changed the tee and hole positions and they are saved on my iPhone. Can i send these new positions to you, they are reliable.
I try to do some research on how i can create a supplementary course “winter greens”
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 5 years ago
Thanks for your patience while I looked into a work around for this. One option is to add a separate new 'winter course' based on temp greens. You can do yourself on scout.golfpadgps.com. Or we can help with that if you can describe where the temp greens are. Just contact us here with the details.
0 Votes
over 5 years ago
I have found it ! Use the option “Course Incorrect”, tee and flag position can be editted and saved.
0 Votes
over 5 years ago
I have the same question: how to SAVE the changed position of the flag for the next rounds
Hi, I know the possibility to mark the flag. But on my home course we have winter greens for or the winter months. So it would be useful to reposition the flag permanently. But I can't find a possibility to edit the hole. Of course I can nark the flag everytime. But that is annoying, and the shown distances on my Galaxy watch are useless. But that's the purpose of the watch and the app.
2 Votes
Dan Horrigan posted over 4 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Hi Dan - the "Course Incorrect" option allows you to add front, middle and back of the hole. We are working on an option for flag position to be saved so you don't have to edit it again until another course change. We are also working on a way to ensure that flag position edits can be seen by other users on the same course - saving everyone time! - Cindy
1 Votes
Dan Horrigan posted over 4 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin
Hi Ipad.wilfried. Thanks for the update. You can send us the details so we can review. . Just contact us here with the details.
0 Votes
Ipad.wilfried posted over 5 years ago
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 5 years ago Admin
Thanks for your patience while I looked into a work around for this. One option is to add a separate new 'winter course' based on temp greens. You can do yourself on scout.golfpadgps.com. Or we can help with that if you can describe where the temp greens are. Just contact us here with the details.
0 Votes
Ipad.wilfried posted over 5 years ago
0 Votes
Ipad.wilfried posted over 5 years ago
1 Votes
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