While scoring for multiplayers, it would be good to be able to disable stat tracking and only record scores for players 2-4.
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BK Singletonposted
about 5 years ago
Thanks for the info. Just to be clear, having to record fairways hit, putts, penalties, sand, etc for players 2-4 is kinda pointless especially if it's a random game with strangers you probably wont see again. Would rather just record the score only for players 2-4 as on a scorecard while still recording my/player 1 score/stats. Thank you for the consideration.
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Cindy Wrenposted
about 5 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion. We'll have the team review for consideration. In the meantime, you can always "Discard" a round when finishing it, rather than saving it. You can also exclude a round from your statistics. See the details here. I hope this helps! Happy golfing!
While scoring for multiplayers, it would be good to be able to disable stat tracking and only record scores for players 2-4.
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BK Singleton posted about 5 years ago
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Cindy Wren posted about 5 years ago Admin
Thanks for your suggestion. We'll have the team review for consideration. In the meantime, you can always "Discard" a round when finishing it, rather than saving it. You can also exclude a round from your statistics. See the details here. I hope this helps! Happy golfing!
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