It is still annoying with such a small map view. Is there a plan for a larger map?
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Michael Tokarskiposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Cindy. Yep, I knew that, it's just annoying having such a small window.
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
almost 5 years ago
Hi Michael - thanks for your suggestion. We'll propose a bigger map view on the Golf Pad Player Dashboard for consideration in future updates. In the meantime, did you know if you double click on the map view there you can zoom in and out as well as click and drag it? Perhaps that will help in the meantime. Thanks again. Keep the feedback coming! - Cindy
Any chance of making the overhead view of the hole a little bigger? That tiny little banner type view doesn't show the whole fairway most of the time.
This is the sort of size that I think would be better.
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Andreas Janitzek posted 5 months ago
It is still annoying with such a small map view. Is there a plan for a larger map?
0 Votes
Michael Tokarski posted almost 5 years ago
Hi Cindy. Yep, I knew that, it's just annoying having such a small window.
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted almost 5 years ago Admin
Hi Michael - thanks for your suggestion. We'll propose a bigger map view on the Golf Pad Player Dashboard for consideration in future updates. In the meantime, did you know if you double click on the map view there you can zoom in and out as well as click and drag it? Perhaps that will help in the meantime. Thanks again. Keep the feedback coming! - Cindy
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