It would be great if it could add strokes gained stats at more scores than just vs pga pro. (which if what I assume the current is)
I'd love to see strokes gained vs pro, vs scratch, and vs multiple handicaps (so 9, 18, 27 etc. Or even in 1 stroke intervals from 0-18)
Now strokes gained is taking off, more and more apps are including it in their stats. However, it's very rarely just one set of data now. Arccos, for example, is offering SG days vs pro and then 0-18 handicap.
6 Votes
Sorted by
Paul Dyeposted
about 3 years ago
Any idea on timings, Shotscope already offer this
0 Votes
Guillaume Bposted
over 3 years ago
I confirm this feature is expected ! thanks
0 Votes
Cindy Wrenposted
over 4 years ago
Thanks David and Piyush for your input. This is something we have on our road-map for future development. I'll be sure the team receives your feedback. - Cindy
0 Votes
Piyush Soodposted
over 4 years ago
Agreed! Arccos is doing this already on their app too.
It would be great if it could add strokes gained stats at more scores than just vs pga pro. (which if what I assume the current is) I'd love to see strokes gained vs pro, vs scratch, and vs multiple handicaps (so 9, 18, 27 etc. Or even in 1 stroke intervals from 0-18) Now strokes gained is taking off, more and more apps are including it in their stats. However, it's very rarely just one set of data now. Arccos, for example, is offering SG days vs pro and then 0-18 handicap.
6 Votes
Paul Dye posted about 3 years ago
Any idea on timings, Shotscope already offer this
0 Votes
Guillaume B posted over 3 years ago
I confirm this feature is expected ! thanks
0 Votes
Cindy Wren posted over 4 years ago Admin
Thanks David and Piyush for your input. This is something we have on our road-map for future development. I'll be sure the team receives your feedback. - Cindy
0 Votes
Piyush Sood posted over 4 years ago
Agreed! Arccos is doing this already on their app too.
0 Votes
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