It sure would be nice to have a dedicated button on the screen to "Mark Flag" so that with only one tap, I'm on my way to the next hole. Right now it takes two taps - go into the More menu and tap Mark Flag, or tap the Mark Flag button which also requires me to tap again. It's great to have the "Track Putt" button, now if there were only a "Mark Flag" button that was also one tap, I could move along more quickly to the next hole.
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Greg Swanposted
12 months ago
Perhaps you could change the behavior of the current "Mark Flag" button to use the current position and complete the step with one tap. And then users could change the flag position if they wanted to on the Edit Hole screen.
It sure would be nice to have a dedicated button on the screen to "Mark Flag" so that with only one tap, I'm on my way to the next hole. Right now it takes two taps - go into the More menu and tap Mark Flag, or tap the Mark Flag button which also requires me to tap again. It's great to have the "Track Putt" button, now if there were only a "Mark Flag" button that was also one tap, I could move along more quickly to the next hole.
0 Votes
Greg Swan posted 12 months ago
Perhaps you could change the behavior of the current "Mark Flag" button to use the current position and complete the step with one tap. And then users could change the flag position if they wanted to on the Edit Hole screen.
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