Add the ability to add a wedge matrix into your wedge distances and implement this as part of club recommendations for certain distances.
1/4, 1/2, 3/4 wedges for example and then when less than a full shot of the minimum wedge and not on the green then club recommendations will consider wedge matrix distance.
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Annie Malloryposted
4 months ago
Hey Dan, I will send this to our developers as they work on the list of new features and updates to come. Perhaps this can fit in somewhere.
Add the ability to add a wedge matrix into your wedge distances and implement this as part of club recommendations for certain distances.
1/4, 1/2, 3/4 wedges for example and then when less than a full shot of the minimum wedge and not on the green then club recommendations will consider wedge matrix distance.
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Annie Mallory posted 4 months ago Admin
Hey Dan, I will send this to our developers as they work on the list of new features and updates to come. Perhaps this can fit in somewhere.
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