Getting back to base rangefinder display

Posted 4 months ago by Dave Tutelman

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Dave Tutelman

I think Golf Pad is a great rangefinder -- and I use it ONLY for that purpose. I use the base rangefinder display and sometimes the map. Several times, especially since the update a few weeks ago, I have had a pop-up come up and cover part or all of the base rangefinder display, and I can't figure out how to get out of it. Yes, I know I fat-fingered something to cause the pop-up, but that will happen on a golf course. Meanwhile, I'm frantically trying to get out of it so I can get a number and choose a club; I usually give up and live for a few holes without Golf Pad. Things I have tried that do not work:

  • Swiping the pop-up.
  • When there is room, trying to tap part of the base rangefinder display.
  • Entering whatever feature it was (which I don't know how to use and don't want to), then using the Android "back" button. It goes back, but the base screen still has the pop-up covering it.
  • Looking for an 'X' button on the pop-up; there isn't one that I can find.

In my opinion, anything that can pop up on top of the base screen should have a prominent 'X' button in the corner (preferably top right corner, but anywhere will work) to dismiss it and get back to the base rangefinder display.

Thanks for considering this request.

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