I would like to have a way to change the Scorecard view when playing games and using net scores.
I like the to have a plain view of the gross scores sometimes during and definitely after the round. Can we get a way to switch between Gross Stroke, Net Strokes and Game played (such as match, skins or stableford). Many times I like to see how my Gross stroke scorecards is appearing. Thanks!
I would like to have a way to change the Scorecard view when playing games and using net scores.
I like the to have a plain view of the gross scores sometimes during and definitely after the round. Can we get a way to switch between Gross Stroke, Net Strokes and Game played (such as match, skins or stableford). Many times I like to see how my Gross stroke scorecards is appearing. Thanks!
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Borja posted 3 months ago
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