Watch in standalone uses too much battery

Posted 25 days ago by Bgregster13

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I have used my galaxy gear 4 in standalone mode and it's my favourite way ( because I prefer to keep my phone mounted to my trolley as it supplies power, and therefore doesn't track green or near green location). However, it never lasts more than 8 holes. Is there a way it can use watch GPS only when you approach the green or when the watch is more than 5 feet from the phone, and use phone gos the rest of the time? I'd buy golf tags if they could work with the watch, even if I did have to tap the phone. 

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Bgregster13 posted 24 days ago

@brad Morgan - I'll be interested in hearing how the tags play with the watch, I figure they can't work if the phone is disconnected from the watch and you're using the watch.

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John Toburen posted 24 days ago

From my experience yes. I change to a basic watch face before my round. I normally have around 30% battery life left after the round. I also turned off auto brightness and set it lower and I always make sure the screen is off after I select my club

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Brad Morgan posted 24 days ago


John Toburen ok I'll give that a go. Thanks. Hopefully TAGS will still correspond.

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Bgregster13 posted 24 days ago

That's interesting. You can choose a different screen face and it could consume less power, that significantly? 

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John Toburen posted 24 days ago

Brad if I recall correctly yes, it tracks the whole round. It will upload to the app when you reconnect and open the app. Then you can go anywhere without the phone. 

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Brad Morgan posted 24 days ago

Im having the same issue with my Galaxy Watch 4. How does it work with Bluetooth off? Watch tracks your entire round? 

I've also just bought TAGS. I forgot to scan the clubs 140 times last weekend

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John Toburen posted 25 days ago

I had the same issue with my galaxy 4. Disconnect the Bluetooth and play around with screen faces. I would switch to a low power face when I would play a round and It would last walking 18 holes. 

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